

18 x 24″
Acrylic On Canvas
By Teri Madison


Thank you for wanting to know the person behind the art. I respect and love the human race. Growing up in a military culture allowed me to travel around the world starting at a young age and develop a deep care and appreciation for people. I like being of service to others, and find that the selfless act of helping others brings me great joy. I prefer to see the good in all things and people. This is part of why I am so drawn to drawing people. I started trying to express myself through art when I was a toddler. My first “stick figured masterpiece” was a family portrait that covered my parents living room wall. Needless to say, they were not happy. As a result I quickly learned to work on paper. I still enjoy drawing big though.

After studying Art at the University of Houston, and graduating with a BFA, my art career was short lived. I worked at NASA for Kentron Hawaii as a Graphic artist working on the Astronaut’s handbook. The job was boring so I went on to work for a commercial artist I knew named Wil Clay, who also became my mentor.  But I also grew restless being limited to graphics and paste up work. Somehow I found my way into the travel industry which during that time I got married and raised two children. After retiring I picked up my paint brush again. Art is a part of me and is something I will never stop practicing and learning. Every piece of art I do takes me on a new adventure journey. I enjoy experimenting in all media, but I use acrylic paints often.

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