My Time


17.5 x 21.5″
Handmade Paper
By Melba Lee


Melba Lee is a contemporary mixed-media artist known for her evocative silhouettes of women,meticulously crafted using handmade paper. Her work explores themes of femininity, resilience and high fashion. Melba draws inspiration from a lifetime of rich experiences with remarkable women. Each silhouette is a different woman with a distinct voice. The torn handmade paper dress that she wears, the distinct voice and the attitude that she exhibits makes her different. It seems that just as there are no two women alike in this world, there are no two women alike in the Melba Lee-After Hours Collection. I have lost count of the number of women who have emerged from my studio as I get lost in the mystery of who she is. 


However, the event which propelled me into the limitless creative possibilities of working with handmade paper and paper pulp is deeply etched in my soul. Days of depression and sleepless nights during a 6- month period of unemployment, eventually gave way to a quietness in my spirit causing me to allow God to speak to me. He led me to experiment with paper as a medium to express my emotions. I used my hands to create artwork which brought a smile to my face and peace to my restless mind. With each new work, a different image with its own voice was created. I was in awe that new life could come from pieces of paper. It is my hope my art creates a warm dialogue between you and the woman on the paper. As you view my work, do you feel the intricate paper image dancing through your mind’s eye stirring memories of the wonderful women who imprinted themselves upon your life? Mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, best girlfriends, teachers or even an image of yourself can all be found in my work. I invite you to honor them all.

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