

20 x 16″
Acrylic on Canvas
By Mikal Boston


Growing up with an artist for a mother it was inevitable that I developed a deep love for art at an early age. The hard part was deciding what I actually wanted to do with this love for art. Maybe I could become an art gallery curator, or an interior designer. Oh, or perhaps a book illustrator! After graduating from the University of Houston with a Bachelor of Arts in Art, and a minor in Art History in 2010, I did none of the above. It wasn’t until I started working as an elementary art teacher in 2017, encouraging students to be confident in their art, that I found the confidence to start creating art of my own again. I officially joined my mom’s studio in 2017 when I started creating paintings with a focus in magical realism and fantasy under our Owl and Crow line. My inspiration comes from rich, bold colors, magical worlds that are both enchanting + spooky, afro-futurism and anything that brings magic into everyday life. I enjoy interior decorating and designing dolls. I primarily work with acrylics and pen + ink.

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