Suri Swag II


30 x 20″
Pins and Embroidery Floss on Corkboard canvas
By Jaymes Earl


There I was sitting at my desk during 9th period waiting for the bell to ring. My students were getting antsy as 2nd graders normally do after a long day.I was thinking about ways that I could sell more artwork when an associate of mine messaged me. He recently started working with Airbnb and needed some artwork and for his listing. Needless to say I jumped on the opportunity right away. A few weeks later we had the place completely decorated and ready to go.

Bookings came slow at first but slowly started to gain momentum. Next thing you know. He’s calling me again for artwork! He spoke about how much he felt my art helped him to stand out against the crowd and how he was able to achieve superhosts status in almost record time! Along with his 5 star hospitality services and my design skills, we had a winning formula It was at this moment that I realized my art could do more than just occupy a space on a wall. I learned that my artwork, design skills, eye for color and hospitality can be a profitable investment for any entrepreneur.The next day I began taking every interior design coarse I could get my hands on. 

Attended webinars, watched countless videos on YouTube and saved every blog I could over the next 9 months.So there it was. A whole new way to share my creativity! Most important, this provided me the opportunity to help other entrepreneurs in ways I could have never imagined.My goal is to help you achieve a winning design in a time efficient manner and works within your budget. If you’re ready to take that next step, feel free to reach out so we can get you on the right path to success.

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